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Make the Most of Mornings

Each day begins the same exact way, an annoying alarm wakes you from your restful slumber. At this point, people begin to diverge with what they do. Some people spring from bed to start the day, while others will launch the alarm across the room and doze off. We are going to learn how to become one of those people who feels accomplished by the time the rest of people are just barely crawling out of bed.

There are innumerable benefits associated with becoming a morning person. For example:

  • Reduced Stress

  • Health Benefits

  • Time for Exercise

  • Perform Better at Work/School

The critical step to becoming a morning is going to bed early! Getting out of bed in the morning becomes much easier when you have enjoyed a night of sleep. This means getting those revered 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Here are some tips to accomplish this.

1. Schedule your day so that you can wind down at night. This means accomplishing those demanding tasks early in the day and leave time for relaxing each night before catching those z's.

2. Become a reader. I advocate this as a pre-bedtime activity. By reading instead of looking at a screen, you will find falling asleep much easier. Screens stimulate the brain with lights that confuse it into thinking we are still supposed to be awake.

3. Set up a pre-sleep routine. This can vary between people. Some will prefer to meditate before sleeping while others would rather take a warm shower.

4. The atmosphere in which you fall asleep can make a large difference in sleep quality. Some popular methods to aid in falling asleep and staying that way are to cool down the room you are in or add the scent of lavender.

Getting out of bed in the morning is easier when you are passionate about what you are getting up for. For me, I am motivated each morning by the writing that I can do. It is often helpful to have a delicious breakfast as motivation. High-quality coffee replaces that breakfast for me and provides an added element of motivation.

Your body has an internal clock that does not appreciate your capricious sleep schedule. This means get to bed and get up at the same time each day, relatively speaking. It isn't the end of the world if you decide you need an extra fifteen minutes of sleep. Setting a schedule will help your body align with your busy life.

Throughout the day we are worn down and slowly overwork our self-control muscle. This means that by becoming a morning person we can prioritize the most important tasks to the morning. By getting these important tasks done, we will experience less stress throughout the day. You will feel satisfied going through the day, knowing you have been productive. Developing self-discipline is one of the most crucial attributes of a successful person. I would exactly define self-discipline as being able to force yourself to get to bed and get out of bed each morning, even when every impulse is saying no.

Especially as teenagers, it is viewed as very difficult to become a morning person. This is simply not true. If you follow the simple steps outlined above, you will start to reap the numerous benefits such as reduced stress and an overall increased health.

As always, if you have any comments or concerns about what should come next in our blog let me know by emailing

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