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Limitless Brain, Attain Yours

Enhance Brain Power: Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity is being whispered about in all the medical circles now. It is heralded as a breakthrough that will allow humans to focus development of their brains throughout their entire lives. It was previously thought that our brains stop developing at the age of 25, this has been invalidated. In fact, our brains are constantly changing by developing neural connections. Today, we will discuss how to make the most of this fact, so that we can increase our brain power.


Our diets impact everything that we do and that includes how we develop. Outlined below are some items that you can work into your regular diet to improve your neuroplasticity. You will notice that all of these items would be considered healthy.

1. Omega-3

  • Source: Omega-3 fatty acids are easily attainable from several sources. The one that is within the closest reach is fish. Also under this heading are nuts and seeds such as walnuts, and chia seeds.

  • Effect: Omega-3 fatty acids are both anticancer and anti-inflammatory. Research also shows they are important to cognitive function.

2. Antioxidants

  • Source: Leafy vegetables such as spinach are packed full of powerful antioxidants. In case, you don’t like vegetables, there are alternatives. Coffee is a powerful beverage known for its anti oxidizing properties, benefits can be seen after just an 8-oz. cup.

  • Effect: These naturally occurring compounds have a two-fold effect in promoting your health. First, they reduce visible effects of the aging process. Second, they protect you from the harmful effects of free radicals, which the brain is especially subject to.

3. Zinc

  • Source: By far and away, the best source of zinc is cooked oysters. Seeing as those aren’t available to most of us on a daily basis, we can substitute with beef. Nuts and seeds are also very easily integrated into a diet, and are high in zinc.

  • Effect: Zinc is so powerful, having a positive impact on skin tone, wound healing, recovery time from sickness. Along with these myriad benefits, this fascinating mineral is known to regulate communication between several parts of the brain, playing a critical role in improving memory and learning capabilities.

4. Choline

  • Source: It doesn’t really matter which came first, because both the chicken and the egg are high in choline. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and kale, are great sources as well. If you were looking for something a bit more savory, you’re in luck. Along with high levels of antioxidants, dark chocolate also contains choline in significant quantities.

  • Effect: Internally, choline is used to form acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter. It is responsible for improving nerve and muscle function.


There are several activities we can perform on a regular basis to improve our neuroplasticity and health in general. These are just as important as the dietary aspect, and have many benefits. I won’t get into the science behind each of these like I did with the foods.

1. Laugh More

  • This one is simple enough, just altering our mindsets to be amused by a larger array of daily occurrences.

2. Regular Cardio

  • This doesn’t mean that you have to go run a marathon to become smarter. In fact, studies show that just regular exercise that leads to an elevated heart rate will do the trick.

3. Read

  • The benefits that are associated with reading would create a list enough to fill a book or several. If you’re looking for a good place to get started this is a book I have personally ordered click here.

4. Learn an Instrument/Foreign Language

  • Beyond being able to connect with a new group of people, you will also be doing a favor for your brain. Music brings together people and culture so by learning an instrument you will be opening so many doors.

5. Sleep

  • For many of us, this is not a priority. Recently, this has become one of my top priorities. Living by the principle, you can sleep as much as you want as long as you are productive during the day, has enabled me to enjoy life and expand my spheres of influence.

6. Hydrate

  • This is one that many of skip as well. There is an easy fix to hydration. Either carry a water bottle with you or just grab a drink every time you see an opportunity.


There are so many benefits of pushing your brain to change through neuroplasticity, that it would be crazy not to start today. I recommend taking a slow approach of integrating some of these items into your diet, when the opportunities arise. Then add on one or two of the listed lifestyle changes. The fringe-benefits to many of the changes above are often just as powerful as the boost to your brain is.

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