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How to Study the Night Before Exams

How to Learn it all the Night before the Exam

The very first things to do when gearing up for the all day study session is relax. This is going to make all subsequent steps much each easier. Once you have taken a few deep breaths, we can get to work. The next step is going to be organize. To capitalize on the little time you have remaining, it is necessary to have all necessary materials at your disposal. If you are studying solo, then get to a quiet spot with no distractions where you can hone in your attention. This also means shutting off the phone for awhile, by elimination “time-sucks” you will be more efficient and effective in your studying. Alright, we are settled into a comfortable spot, in which we are still alert. Next come the techniques I have used to get through some rigorous tests.

1. Practice Tests

  • Creation- Copy your notes and then white out some spaces to create a homemade exam. In college, check online for previous exams administered by this instructor.

  • Engage- Take the exam as you would the real one. This means following the same guidelines that will be enforced at that future time.

  • Purpose- The purpose here is two-fold. It allows you to simultaneously review the materials and rehearse for the exam. Doing something for the first time is scary, but by the third or fourth time, it seems like a walk in the park.

2. Identify Key Concepts/Locate Summaries

  • Creation- Look through your book and notes to find ideas that seem vital to the subject matter. These are going to be the fundamental building blocks of your knowledge.

  • Engage- Practice active learning when studying these. Work towards full comprehension of these ideas, as it will only make the details easier later in your efforts.

  • Purpose- By basing your studying around these key concepts, you learn what is most important from the material AKA exactly what most professors will be testing you on.

3. Prioritize

  • Creation- This is especially important if you have multiple exams on the same day! Unfortunately for you, there is not enough time to learn it all. So follow the 80/20 rule. This means that 80% of the results come from 20% of the effort.

  • Engage- Identify what the 20% is going to be for each of your exams. This will the area that produces that the highest reward for the lowest effort, otherwise exactly what we want.

  • Purpose- This truly maximizes the input-output of your efforts. By following this idea you will not be guaranteed an A, but you sure have a better chance of passing with the grade you’d be happy with.

4. Flash cards/ Anki

  • Creation- Anki is the superhero version of flash cards. They are highly adaptable and can be created to study whatever material is thrown at you. Just google anki to get started.

  • Engage- Many people absentmindedly flip through these while watching youtube videos in the background, but you know better. Active learning is the most EFFECTIVE way to practice anki cards by giving it your total attention, you will learn far more and faster.

  • Purpose- Flash cards are great to take on the go with you so you can study on public transit or right before the test. They are also customizable allowing you to create with your own style of learning in mind.

5. Quick Review Sheet

  • Creation- On this piece of paper will go your most important facts, dates, and mnemonics. Also you can include details that just don’t seem to stick!

  • Engage- Once created, this serves as a great tool for studying right up until the last minute before the test is administered. Also, it condenses down tons of information so that it is easily referenced when preparing for finals or the future.

  • Purpose- This is the legendary note sheet that if you had on the exam it would guarantee you an A. By learning this you will effectively skyrocket your grades!

6. Sleep and Eat

  • Purpose- Your brain needs these two things to function properly, so down some acai juice with a munch of dark chocolate to boost cognitive function. Sleep is vital because this is when your brain converts information into easily recallable memories! This will lock your subject matter in and prepare you for the exam.

Well you have spent the last 16 hours sleeping then got a good night’s rest for 8 hours. You have procrastinated to the brink of disaster and failure, but with these methods outlined above you’ve pulled yourself up and passed. Best of luck on all exams coming up in the coming weeks! If you have any other study methods that you think are valuable please feel free to post in the comments and don’t forget to hit that heart and like this post!!

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