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Get Tan In Just One Weekend

Get Tan In Just One Weekend!

Needless to say, summer is right around the corner, and we want to be ready. Spring time means pale, pasty skin, but summer is a time of tan, healthy bodies. Today, will learn some methods that can help you get golden-brown while reducing your risk. Caution: overexposure over a lifetime can increase your chance of acquiring skin cancer. Luckily, we are going to find out how to minimize your concerns and maximize your melanin, the chemical that causes your skin to tan.

1. Understand How Tanning Works

Your skin darkening is the process in which your skin cells are protecting you from harmful UVA and UVB rays from the sun. Once these rays penetrate your skin into the epidermis, they activate melanocytes which produce melanin. Another important fact to keep in mind during this period, is that prime tanning hours are from 10-4.

2. There Is A Cut-Off

Sitting by the beach for 8 hours, will only turn you into a tomato. This is because your skin has a cutoff point, where it is unable to produce more melanin. This is usually around 2-3 hours. You can experiment to find your own sweet spot. This means, unless you want to look a walking cherry, get out of the sun after a couple hours!

3. Tanning Beds Are Not Your Friend

Oftentimes, tanning bed proprietors make promises involving a zero-risk tan that is both healthy and safe. Now that you understand the tanning process, you know their claims are BS! They expose you to the exact same rays that the sun is blasting at you for FREE! The benefit that you are paying for is control of time and radiation. If you are determined to use a tanning bed, make sure it is cleaned properly and use it just for your base tan.

4. Exfoliate

This is an easy step that will make you tan FASTER and make it last LONGER! The night before your big beach day, exfoliate your skin in the shower. By doing this, you are getting rid of dead skin, which will make it easier for the rays to reach your epidermis and start producing melanin. The best deal I have found is Here, huge promises and delivers on them all! An easy DIY face exfoliator is to mix baking soda with your facial cleanser, and rub it on for five to ten minutes before rinsing off. This will leave you feeling refreshed and ready for the sun!

5. Reflective Tanning

If you want to speed up tanning, you need to increase the number of rays hitting your skin. To do this you can either get closer to sun to make yourself larger. An easier method would be to reflect the sun rays from your surroundings onto you!

  • By the Water- This method will turn you into a golden brown french fry in no time. Water reflects light so it’s a great idea to whip out that floatie and hop into the pool. This is my personal fav and they have a promotion going on, Click Here! To bring numbers into this idea, gives us perspective. Air has a refractive index of 1.003 while water is 1.33 meaning that it reflects approximately 33% more sun!

  • By the Sand- Surprisingly, sunlight hates sand even more than water! Sand has a refractive index of 1.46 meaning that it will throw even more of those precious rays on you.

  • Reflective Blanks and Sheets- This method is tried and true. Buying a reflective mylar blanket or getting out some tin foil will be sure to darken your skin. Find a way to set it up at a 45 degree angle and relax! In case you were curious the refractive index states aluminum at about 1.20! You can pick a good blanket Here!

6. Exercise

For some of us, the idea of just laying there for hours seem like hell itself has come especially because it’s so hot! Therefore, get up and exercise. This is a great way to cultivate a more even tan across the body! Some great activities are beach volleyball or yoga.

7. Oils And Lotions

If you decided to use a chemical-filled lotion then I would recommend one that has a single-digit SPF, allowing you to capitalize on the rays while being protected. A good alternative that I prescribe to is using coconut oil! Check here for a great one! It is not overly expensive and is natural. Personally, I would recommend organic and cold pressed, but those are personal preferences. A good thing to keep on hand is a chap stick!

8. Caring For Your Tan

Now that you have finally reached Greek God status with respect to your color, you have to figure out how to keep it! This is rather simple and only requires two steps. First, you need to moisturize your skin. You have just been cooking it, which tends to dry things out, without the proper precautions. Second, you will need a refresher tan periodically. This is the only way to keep that color in your skin for a long time.

Today, we learned all about how to acquire and keep the healthiest tan possible! If you want to keep the content coming hit the Like Button on here and Join our mailing list! Go check out my YouTube Channel as well!!

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