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Travel the World for Free

The number one reason people say they are unable to travel is...


Of course, there is never enough of it to go around, it seems. Even if you just want to travel the world on the cheap, then you need some reserves. I would recommend having money in the bank to all potential travelers before heading out. The easiest way to save money for traveling is to make it a priority. It doesn't matter how old you are, create two bank accounts right now, and place a small portion of each check in each one. The first and most important of these accounts is a retirement account. Did you know about 33% of Baby Boomers have only $1,000 in the bank? The second account will be your travel account. It could quite literally be a few dollar deposit every other week, that is more than was there before! Now that I have knocked some fiscal sense into you let's get into the five ways to travel free.

1. Global Work

There are many programs out there that will pay for your food and housing in the very least. These give you the opportunity to see the world and drastically reduce your costs. Some will even pay your travel costs, such as a cruise liner. Here are a few programs I have looked at for traveling for free.

Cruise Ships- These may be crummy jobs, where you will wash dishes. Remember, you are living aboard a boat of luxury, and some of that will percolate into your experience as well.

Au Pair- I personally looked to becoming an au pair. If you sit down, and create an honest and strong profile, you will find some matches. Be selective in who you choose and above all negotiate. You can get everything paid for if you do it right and end up with a job with little work.

WWOOF- This is a great program that stands for WorldWide Opportunities on Organic Farms. If you can pay for your ride there, along with doing 4-6 hours of labor for two days then you are welcome to stay as long as you'd like. This is also a chance to meet fantastic people and travel for free.

TEFL- This stands for Teaching English as a Foreign Language. There is a high demand for this career in Asian nations. The income is huge. Along with getting your travel paid for, you can earn anywhere upwards of $45,000. If you're looking to bank that much, you might want to get a TEFL certificate, check here for more details.

If you are over 18 years old, it is time you start building up your credit. This can also be an opportune time to earn free flights!! Some credit cards will offer you huge amounts of bonus miles for signing up, check these out! Before heading down this road, ask yourself Am I self-disciplined? IF you are, then I recommend putting everything you can on a credit card. As long as you pay it off in full at the end of each month, you will save time and earn tons of miles.

Also, keep an eye for many deals related to these credit cards, they may offer bonuses especially around holidays and celebrations.

Some people may not love this one, but try and keep an open mind. Hitchhiking is a great way to cut down on one of the fundamental costs of traveling, the traveling part. It is important to be safe during this time and make sure to stay away from anyone you think may be a serial killer. If you want more tips on doing this, or need to prove to your parents it is safe then check here. In some places hitchhiking is completely normal. In Armenia, it is common to see locals with a thumb up on the side of the road.

This is another great way to cut down on a fundamental cost of traveling, which is lodging. Many people will open their homes to you for free! These are people who believe in reciprocity and could just want to swap stories. These are often the people in an area who know where the tastiest food is for the lowest prices. Locals can provide valuable insight into a region and really open your eyes. Did I mention it's 100% FREE? Check here for more Info.

5. International Man of Mystery

Many people aren't comfortable giving up their worldly possessions and heading out around the world. There are options out there for you too! A great, often overlooked idea is to find a job that entails a lot of travel. Check out this list and see if anything appeals to you!

After writing this article, I hope to see some of you on the road someday. Traveling doesn't have to be this struggle to save a bunch of money. It can be a cheap experience that provides you with priceless memories. If you want to keep the content coming hit the Like Button on here and Join our mailing list! Go check out my YouTube Channel as well!!

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